Whirling Disease Report

Welcome to the ESG's web site for whirling disease research. Our research into this topic deals with relating riparian habitat variables, including vegetation and physical site characteristics, to the incidence or possible incidence of whirling disease. The research would not be possible without the funding support of the USDI Bureau of Land Management. In addition, we would especially like to thank Dan Hinckley of the Montana State Office for his tireless efforts and valuable insight. Keep up the great work Dan!

The web site consists of a searchable database, a downloadable Master of Science thesis (284 KB; 44 pages) entitled "Relating Riparian Habitat Variables to Incidence of Whirling Disease" by Jack McWilliams (1999), and links to other sites.

To print the document, select each part and print it out. The files are provided in Adobe Acrobat ® (.pdf) format. The Adobe Acrobat Reader ® is required to read these files. If you do not have the reader, download it free from Adobe's web site.

If you have any comments or questions, please email us at esg@ecologicalsolutionsgroup.com



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